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I-95 Indiantown Rd (SR-706)

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Executive Summary

The purpose of this IOAR is to document the need for and feasibility of short term improvements. Preliminary engineering plans were developed to address operational deficiencies within existing right-of-way to minimize impacts and costs. Conceptual design plans for the improvements are provided in this report for the project, along with a cost estimate and documentation of the benefits of the project. The following short-term improvements were identified.

Purpose and Need

Download the Purpose and Need (PDF, 145.4KB)

This Interchange Operational Analysis Report (IOAR) has been prepared to evaluate the impacts of signalizing the I-95 northbound off ramp to eastbound SR 706 (Indiantown Road), as well as determining when Level of Service “F” operations occur along eastbound SR 706, and when widening SR 706 from three lanes to four lanes is required. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District 4 is the Applicant seeking approval of this IOAR that presents the necessary documentation for such improvements.

The IOAR proposes signalization of the I-95 northbound off ramp at SR 706. The proposed improvement is intended to address queues backing up to the I-95 mainline that occur in the AM and PM peak periods on the I-95 northbound off ramp and I-95 southbound off ramp at SR 706. In 2003 the state of Florida established the Strategic Intermodal System (SIS), which consists of high priority transportation facilities and services of statewide and interregional significance. These SIS facilities are critical to the movement of people and goods in Florida, and their function is considered to be vital to Florida’s economic competitiveness. I-95, which is a designated SIS facility, is a north-south roadway that links northern and southern limits of Florida. It is vital thorough fare that links multi-modal hubs to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of goods and people. The interchange of I-95 at SR 706 (Indiantown Road) is a heavily traveled location.

Recommended Alternative

Download the Recommended Alternative (PDF, 26.6MB)

Please see the attached recommended alternative

Travel Time Savings

Please download the study report to obtain this information.

Safety Benefits

Please download the study report to obtain this information.